(RightWing.org) – “Politics makes strange bedfellows” is a common saying that’s proven accurate on nearly a daily basis in America, and the relationship between ex-President Donald Trump and Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis can be seen as a prime example. On the morning of Sunday, April 28, the two men met at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach in what some people with knowledge of the meeting said signals a sort of détente between the two GOP juggernauts.
Yes, No, I Don’t Know
The two men first crossed paths while Trump was running in his first presidential campaign in 2016 and DeSantis was on his way to a landslide victory for his third term representing his district in the House of Representatives. The congressman gave his endorsement to his Republican counterpart, which some Liberal media sources attempted to describe as something akin to a child being forced by their parents to apologize to their little sister for teasing her. That is to say, somewhat… reluctantly.
Be that as it may, DeSantis did give his support to Trump in 2016 and the sitting POTUS returned the favor in 2018, telling his massive Conservative base that the congressman would be a great fit as governor of Florida.
In 2020, both men argued against the lockdowns and social distancing edicts put forth by Dr. Anthony Fauci and DeSantis was one of the president’s most vocal supporters.
After Trump lost the 2020 campaign to President Joe Biden, his relationship with DeSantis seemed to sour quite a bit, and in the one-time POTUS’s signature style, he let the world know that. Both men tossed their hats into the ring for a chance to represent the Republican Party on the 2024 November ballot, and the campaign trail turned into salvo after salvo of jabs, uppercuts, and the occasional full-on haymaker.
However, after DeSantis saw the writing on the wall and withdrew from the race, he once again sought unity within the party and endorsed Trump. This latest meeting between the two has caused social media to explode with speculation that an olive branch of sorts may have been extended to the governor in the form of an offer to take the vice president’s spot on the ballot. Only time will tell if that’s true or not.
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