The Stats Don’t Lie — Joe Contacted Hunter’s Business Associate

( – The Republican-led House launched a series of investigations into Hunter Biden’s various business interests with a particular emphasis on his connection to Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies. With less than a year remaining before the 2024 presidential election, GOP lawmakers have ramped up those probes and their effort to find connections between the younger Biden’s potentially criminal conduct and his father, President Joe Biden.

So far, the materials obtained by Republican lawmakers contain circumstantial evidence at best. However, they do provide a trail of breadcrumbs that could lead to material supporting the GOP’s impeachment efforts.

Republicans recently released a set of statistics and information regarding their underlying purpose that shows contact between Joe Biden and one of his son’s business associates.

The Numbers Don’t Lie!

On December 5, the House Ways and Means Committee issued a press release detailing its decision to release dozens of pages of newly acquired evidence showing that Joe Biden used several email aliases to communicate with longtime Hunter Biden business associate Eric Schwerin. Republican lawmakers have long suspected that Schwerin established various shell companies for the Biden family to reportedly use to launder millions of dollars globally.

Schwerin was the managing director of Hunter Biden’s now-defunct financial advisory company, Rosemont Seneca. That company had deep links to Burisma Holdings Limited, a Ukrainian-based holding company for a group of energy exploration and production ventures and companies.

The House Ways and Means Committee reported that it discovered a document that contained data related to more than 300 emails between Joe Biden and Schwerin. Fifty-four of those emails were sent by the then-vice president exclusively to Schwerin using one of Biden’s email aliases. Additionally, 38 messages originated from a White House email account to one of Biden’s alias accounts and were copied to Hunter Biden.

The committee’s statement noted that the frequency of emails between Joe Biden and Schwerin “increased dramatically” whenever the vice president traveled to Ukraine. The notice explained that Biden only exchanged five emails with Schwerin before his June 2014 trip to Kyiv. However, after that trip, Biden and Schwerin corresponded by email 27 times within four months.

A Tangled Web Emerges

The New York Times recently published a report detailing the findings of its exhaustive review of known information regarding Hunter Biden’s overseas businesses, his father’s potential involvement in those deals, and Schwerin’s connection to both men.

The Times reported that Schwerin met with Biden at the White House during his tenure as vice president. Schwerin reportedly didn’t discuss Hunter’s business activities with the then-vice president. However, he did volunteer to “keep track” of Joe Biden’s finances. Likewise, Schwerin reportedly paid some of the elder Biden’s income taxes and household bills using one of Hunter’s bank accounts.

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