Elder Ends Presidential Bid and Endorses Trump

(RightWing.org) – Former President Donald Trump’s polling average for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination has remained above 50% since April 5. The latest numbers from RealClearPolitics show him hitting 59.1 to his closest rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 12.6%. Conservative talk show host Larry Elder recently joined the growing list of candidates competing for second place to drop their effort to carry the Republican torch in the upcoming presidential election.

On October 26, Elder announced his decision to drop out of the race and endorse Trump. He thanked his many supporters and posted a statement explaining his rationale.

Elder began with an oversized bold font type announcing the suspension of his campaign and endorsement of the 45th President. He explained that Trump had his “full support” in his effort to restore greatness to the country again, “restore law and order,” “reign in spending,” and end the “epidemic of fatherless homes.”

Turning his attention to his supporters, Elder expressed his deep gratitude for their dedication and enthusiasm throughout his campaign. Next, he reminded everyone of his decision to prioritize issues surrounding ending the scourge of George Soros-back prosecutors, the need for a constitutional amendment tying the federal budget to a percentage of the country’s GDP, halting the promotion of the claim that America suffers from systematic racism, and addressing the “crisis of fatherlessness.”

Elder wrote that he reached his decision to suspend his campaign after careful consideration regarding his possible path forward. He also indicated he consulted with his team.

The popular radio host’s campaign never really picked up any steam. For instance, his campaign reported receipts totaling a paltry $1.44 million to Trump’s $56.70 and DeSantis’ $31.27, placing him in 12th place among the Republican contenders. As such, he failed to meet the criteria to participate in any of the televised primary debates — further handicapping his effort to win the GOP nomination.

Trump posted a statement on his Truth Social page thanking the “wonderful Larry Elder” for his endorsement. He also wrote that the presidential hopeful earned the respect of “all” and had much to say, particularly regarding “fathers and families.”

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