Disgusting Admission: Biden Admin Reveals True Migrant Numbers

(RightWing.org) – Of the Biden administration’s many failures, its inability — or unwillingness — to stop the flow of illegal migrants across our borders is one of the most worrying. Since he took office, the president has completely lost control of border security. The problem has now spread from border states, as frustrated governors ship migrants to northern, blue, cities in an attempt to lighten the load. Now the White House is quietly admitting that, in fact, the problem is even worse than we thought.

White House Admits Huge Migrant Numbers

On December 9 Fox News reported that the Department of Homeland Security had met a congressional delegation from Arizona, along with members of four influential congressional committees, and privately admitted that migrant numbers are higher than the Biden administration has been telling us. According to officials at the December 8 briefing, an average of 5,000 illegals are released into the US EVERY DAY after being processed by Border Patrol (BP), while hundreds of thousands aren’t even apprehended at all. Astonishingly, the DHS admitted that last year about 670,000 illegals were known to have crossed the border without being caught. Combined with those released daily — which comes to more than 1.8 million in a year — the total KNOWN illegal immigration last year was a staggering 2.47 million people. That’s around 2% of the entire US population every three years.

There aren’t even any signs that the situation is improving. On December 5, encounters with illegal migrants at the Mexican border reached a new record, with more than 12,000 encounters recorded. Over 10,000 of them were illegals crossing the border between official ports of entry.

Fiscal year 2023 set an all-time record of 2.4 million migrant encounters. Border Patrol is holding about 22,000 migrants and its capacity is severely overstretched; it can’t hold any more, and those it does have in custody are likely to be released too. The Biden administration isn’t even pretending to stem the flow.

The consequences of this are fast becoming national. Tension inside the Democratic Party is building fast, with New York City Mayor Eric Adams criticizing NY Governor Kathy Hochul for leaving his city to carry the brunt of the migrant flood, while both of them are slamming the Biden White House for letting it continue. Most Americans want something done about the problem — and, awkwardly for Biden, next November they’ll likely get a chance to vote for a candidate who promises to build a big, beautiful wall.

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