Daines Introduces “GAZA Act” in Effort to Stop Biden

(RightWing.org) – On October 7, the terrorist group Hamas, which is backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, launched a brutal surprise attack on Israel by air, land, and sea. The rampaging jihadists indiscriminately murdered men, women, and even infants, and perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that several Democrats (such as Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Cori Bush of Missouri) have publicly decried the violence while throwing shade at the Jewish state, saying their past treatment of Gaza amounted to apartheid. This kind of rhetoric from the Left has caused Republicans in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to try and preemptively stop President Joe Biden’s administration from flooding the country with Palestinian refugees.

No Mr. President

Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) introduced a bill in the Senate called the GAZA — Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission — Act to address the issue. It is a companion bill to what was first introduced in the House by Congressman Thomas Tiffany (R-WI) on October 13 with cosponsor Congressman Andrew Ogles (R-TN) and they are amazingly short and to the point compared to many legislations, saying that “an alien holding a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority shall be…”

  • Inadmissible to the United States
  • Ineligible to receive a visa or other documentation to enter the United States
  • Otherwise ineligible to be admitted or paroled into the United States

One Step Further

Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) are both on the record now for saying that beyond just denying new entries to the United States, a pre-existing problem needs to be addressed. Pointing to the pro-Hamas demonstrations being held at college campuses across the country by Progressive Liberal students (generally speaking), they are urging the administration to revoke their visas and deport them.

Cotton expressed his concerns in a letter to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas dated October 16. He believes that the secretary should immediately order those in the country on a student visa to pack their books and go home if they have “expressed support for Hamas and its murderous attacks.”

Rubio sent his October 15 letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and directing his attention to existing law covering this saying, “[p]er 8 U.S.C. 1182, an alien is inadmissible into the United States should they represent ‘a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity.'” These letters come after well over two dozen student organizations at Harvard University signed a statement that not only supports Palestine but also alleges that the “apartheid [Israeli] regime is the only one to blame,” calling the country’s defense “colonial retaliation.”

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