Yellen Claims America Can Afford Another War

( – The Biden administration spent the last few days trying to communicate a united message regarding America’s commitment to support Israel in its efforts to defeat Hamas. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spent a couple of days on a whirlwind tour of seven Middle East countries, including Israel. Additionally, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently discussed the United States’ ability — and apparent willingness — to support two foreign wars simultaneously.

On October 16, Sky News aired an interview with Yellen. Host Wilfred Frost asked the Treasury secretary if the US could afford to provide military support to both Ukraine and Israel. “The answer is absolutely,” she replied.

Yellen boasted about the US economy, telling Frost it was doing “extremely well.” She conceded that inflation had been high in recent months but said it had “come down considerably.” She also boasted that with 3.8% unemployment, the labor market was the strongest it had been in half a century, implying that taxpayer dollars for the war effort were available.

Amid that backdrop, Yellen claimed the US could “afford to stand with Israel… and must support Ukraine.” She also said the White House was prioritizing the release of funds for both countries and called on House Republicans to select a new speaker “so that legislation [could] be passed” to help finance both wars.

So far, there’s been little pushback on Yellen’s remarks from Republican lawmakers. A few people on X/Twitter criticized her for wanting to spend American taxpayer dollars on another overseas war.

One X user, Brett Craig, sarcastically suggested the Biden administration take on a third war, this time in Taiwan. He also spoke out about the sad state of the American economy, mocking an all too familiar liberal refrain that the rising price of gas, rent, and groceries was a figment of the national imagination.

The Treasury secretary’s remarks echo claims made by President Biden during an episode of CBS News’ “60-Minutes” program that aired on October 15. Host Scott Pelley asked the president if the wars in Ukraine and Israel were more than the US could “take on at the same time.”

“No,” Biden responded, adding, “We’re the United States… for God’s sake, the most powerful nation… in the history of the world.” Driving his point home, Biden said the US could “take care of both” countries and “maintain” America’s “overall international defense” goals.

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