Global Conflicts

Our Global Conflicts articles are designed to keep you informed while at the same time showcasing the direct and indirect side effects of tensions around the globe, whether that means our government is getting involved or we may feel the impact through supply chain shortages and inflation.

What happens around the world can and does have an impact on our lives and our liberties. Check back regularly for updates on major global events. Stay alert and aware.

88 Dead in Accidental Drone Strike

( - Nigeria has struggled for years with armed criminal gangs raiding remote villages in areas where law enforcement officials are scarce. They notoriously...

China Takes Jab at US After Fatal Osprey Accident

( - Last month, a US Air Force aircraft crashed off the Japanese coast, killing its occupants. Now, China’s communist regime is exploiting the...

US Warship Responds to Attacks in Red Sea

( - Ronald Reagan embraced the concept of "peace through strength" to achieve his goal of supporting freedom globally. The former president's commitment to...

US Takes Action to Stop Iran from Buying Weapons

( - US intelligence officials are arguing for the renewal of a controversial surveillance law that lets spy agencies intercept communications on American soil....

Four-Year-Old American Freed by Hamas

( - An American child has been freed by the terrorist group Hamas --- after spending her fourth birthday as a hostage. Abigail Mor...

Hypersonic Fattah-2 Missile Unveiled by Iran

( - The Islamic Republic of Iran is considered one of, if not the, biggest state sponsors of terrorism in the world. Therefore, any...

China Makes Strides Towards Closing Military Gap

( - Military analysts are warning that China is cutting into the US Navy’s technological lead after a Chinese submarine with a new propulsion...

Biden Admin Won’t Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Nationals

( - Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently signed onto a letter drafted with other Republican senators asking Joe Biden to withhold protections for Palestinians...

The Guardian Scrambles After Releasing Text of Bin Laden Letter

( - The Guardian, a British media outlet, recently had to scramble after releasing the text of a letter written by Osama bin Laden....

The Unlikely Place the Israeli Military is Getting Intelligence

( - As the military conflict between Israel and Hamas enters its seventh week, the fighting shows no sign of waning. If anything, the...

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