(RightWing.org) – The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its overall ruling body, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), have been increasingly using the stick of its military to intimidate the Republic of China (ROC/Taiwan) and India. It’s also flexing elsewhere in the world where they use the carrot known as the Belt and Road Initiative to peddle their influence to second and third-world nations throughout the rest of Asia and across Africa.
They also seek to supplant the United States as the world’s foremost military, economic, and geopolitical government, creating a Chinese homogeny. However, Republicans in the House of Representatives are looking to enact a series of legislative measures that will enable future presidents to more easily hold them off.
The Threat Is Real
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) spoke at the Hudson Institute on July 8 (see transcript) of the threat he sees “as a China-led axis [partnering with] Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and even Cuba.” He believes that they are all working toward a common purpose, the downfall of America — albeit for different reasons.
Johnson gave three specific instances of the dictators in charge of some of those nations recently speaking to their desires for domination:
- Russian President Vladimir Putin’s desire to revive the Empire of Tsar Peter the Great.
- China’s Xi Jinping and his designs to take over the South China Sea.
- Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his plan to wipe Israel from the face of the earth and establish an Islamic caliphate in that region.
One reason Johnson gave for the danger the world faces from this group is the policy of “appeasing and apologizing and accommodating” the dictatorial regimes put in place by former President Barack Obama that have been resurrected under the current POTUS. He explained how America made great strides towards neutralizing the threat to the nation’s national security under former President Donald Trump and wants to make sure that the United States is prepared to fight if it needs to and to also “with the gloves off.”
To that end, the Republicans have introduced the End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act which seeks to stop Chinese retailers from exploiting a tariff loophole allowing them to avoid millions of dollars in taxes for products valued under $800. Johnson also mentioned the BIOSECURE Act which would prohibit the bureaucrats in the Executive Branch from contracting with biotechnology companies “connected to foreign adversaries,” including the extension or renewal of any current agreements.
One other piece of proposed legislation introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) called the Confronting CCP Malign Influence Act of 2024 (Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN) did the same with a companion bill in the House) which is intended to force the US intelligence community to analyze and then report on the corruption the Chinese Communist regime.
Congressional Republicans appear to be trying to accomplish two things, giving future presidents the tools they need to protect America and waking the Democrats up to the threat posed to our country.
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