Dems Seek to Penalize Gun Manufacturers for Crimes

( – One must give credit where credit is due, and in this case, it goes to Democrats and Liberals and their overly large sense of entitlement. After creating/contributing to a major problem, they are now backing a lawsuit by the very people who suffered because of their actions against one of their favorite targets of their all-consuming Agenda — gun makers and distributors.

Misplaced Responsibility?

Working its way through the federal courts is the case Estados Unidos Mexicanos [the government of Mexico] v. Smith & Wesson and other manufacturers such as Beretta, Colt, and Glock. One of their main arguments is that the gun makers are deliberately manufacturing completely legal semiautomatic rifles that can “be easily modified” by a third party to work as machine guns.

The defendants in the case filed a motion — which the trial judge granted — asking the court to dismiss the case under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which was passed in 2005 expressly so that weapons and ammunition manufacturers cannot be held responsible when another party tinkers with their product. Amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs urging the judge to deny this motion were filed by:

Deep Blue States, including:

  • Massachusetts
  • California
  • Michigan

A group of local prosecutors, some funded by the Soros family including:

  • Lawrence Krasner of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • José Garza of Travis County (Austin), Texas
  • George Gascón who was District Attorney for Los Angeles County, California when the suit was originally filed

Some of the claims made by those who filed the amicus briefs accused the defendants of “intentionally [putting] guns into the hands of Mexican cartels” and, in somewhat of a non sequitur, the states contend that dismissing the case against the sovereign nation of Mexico would somehow infringe upon their rights “to traditional state law forms of accountability.”

What screams hypocrisy on the part of Liberals here in 10-foot-tall glowing neon letters can be traced back to a former administration consisting of President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The former POTUS, along with Biden and former Attorney General Eric Holder, masterminded the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. This plan was someone’s genius brainchild to allow legitimate gun dealers to sell their wares to people who should not have them, with the harebrained idea that they could track them once they were in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels.

This backfired spectacularly and tragically in 2010 when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by one of these weapons in the Arizona desert.

After the Liberals did their best to sweep it all under the rug and block every attempt at congressional investigations so that they could avoid all responsibility in their DIRECT ACTIONS, they now want to let a foreign nation hold companies making completely legal guns liable for what is being done by THIRD PARTIES.

It would not be unreasonable for one to ask if President Joe Biden — who is running for a second term of office — had any direct knowledge of what was going on. Another legitimate question would be does he remember it in light of his recent debate performance and concerns about his cognitive ability?

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