China Caught Selling Fentanyl Ingredients to Mexico

( – Fentanyl overdoses have claimed the lives of more than 70,000 Americans annually since Joe Biden assumed office in 2021. Thanks to the administration’s lax border policies, the DEA has seized nearly 28 million pills laced with the deadly opioid and more than 4,000 pounds of the narcotic in powder form so far this year — enough to produce more than 900 million fatal doses. Making matters worse, a recent report revealed that China is selling fentanyl ingredients to Mexico.

The Financial Times recently published a series of articles detailing connections between Mexican drug cartels, manufacturers, and Chinese chemical companies. The respected British daily reported that illicit trade routes developed through those partnerships are “responsible for the worst overdose crisis” in American history.

“Nondescript” Chinese factories produce the precursor chemicals necessary to make fentanyl and sell them openly on the internet, typically for cryptocurrency. Those companies disguise the shipments by falsely labeling them as “motor oil” or “dog food” or altering their chemical components.

Once the chemicals reach Mexico, the cartels cook them along with other substances in secret labs to produce fentanyl. The Mexican drug organizations then smuggle the drug across the US border in powder form and laced counterfeit pills through tunnels, airplanes, and gaps in the border wall — thanks again to President Joe Biden and his failed border security policies.

The Financial Times explained that Chinese companies have a long history of working with Mexican drug cartels to launder money, and the partnership with fentanyl ingredients grew out of those bonds. Chinese residents can only transfer $50,000 out of the country and need the cartels’ help laundering cash so they can get past that limit.

Inversely, the Mexican drug cartels make hundreds of millions of dollars annually from drug sales in the US. Like the Chinese, these criminal organizations need help laundering that money.

To that extent, the partnership between Chinese chemical manufacturers and Mexican drug cartels serves two purposes: the exchange of the chemicals themselves and the ability to easily launder massive amounts of cash.

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